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MAKE U IN Project: Empowering Educators for Inclusive Education through Maker Initiatives

The MAKE U IN project, which officially commenced in late 2024, is a pioneering initiative aimed at empowering primary school teachers, trainers, and educators to create inclusive educational environments using Maker initiatives. By fostering engagement and participation, the project strives to make education more accessible for all students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Project Objectives

The MAKE U IN project focuses on achieving the following objectives:

  • Raising Awareness: Increasing primary school teachers’ understanding of the inclusive potential of Maker-based activities for disadvantaged students.
  • Enhancing Competencies: Equipping teachers with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to integrate Maker-based activities into their classrooms, improving participation, engagement, and inclusion.

Concrete Results

The project aims to deliver several tangible outcomes:

  1. The MAKE U IN Resource Repository: A comprehensive online collection of pedagogical approaches, materials, and examples to guide educators in leveraging Maker-based activities for inclusive education.
  2. The MAKE U IN Learning Sessions: Interactive, face-to-face training sessions designed to help teachers implement Maker-based activities effectively.
  3. The MAKE U IN Launch Conference: A face-to-face event aimed at promoting project results, raising awareness about Maker initiatives’ inclusive potential, and establishing Ambassadors to act as multipliers within schools.


The MAKE U IN project is implemented through a collaborative partnership that includes:

Target Group

The primary beneficiaries of the project are primary school teachers and educators in the partner countries (Germany, Spain, and Poland). These professionals, with basic literacy in Maker initiatives, will explore how these approaches can enhance inclusivity in their classrooms.

Kick-Off Meeting

The project was officially launched with an online kick-off meeting on 28 November 2024. This initial gathering brought together partners from all participating organizations. During the meeting, partners introduced themselves, the project objectives and expected results were presented, and initial activities were outlined.

Initial Activities

As a first step, focus groups have been organized in each partner country to engage with the target group and Maker experts. These focus groups serve a dual purpose:

  1. Gathering Feedback: Collecting insights and perspectives from primary school teachers, educators, and Maker experts.
  2. Informing Development: Using the feedback to guide the creation of the MAKE U IN Resource Repository, ensuring it meets the needs and expectations of educators and aligns with best practices in Maker-based inclusive education.

The focus group findings will be finalized by the end of January 2025, marking an important milestone in the project’s development phase.

Stay Updated

To stay informed about the progress and updates of the MAKE U IN project, follow us on our official Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Here, you’ll find regular updates, news, and opportunities to engage with the project as it unfolds.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Nationalen Agentur im Pädagogischen Austauschdienst. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project n.  KA210-BY-24- 12-247490

Make U In © 2023